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The History of Ilmington - 20th C dates
Some dates of importance in 20th century Ilmington
19? Piped water available for houses but not fit for drinking.
1924 Kelly's Directory names carriers to Stratford and Shipston. It does not mention telephones.
1932 Directory includes telephone numbers.
1933 Village Hall erected.
1934 King's Christmas Broadcast introduced from Ilmington.
1935 Roman Catholic Church consecrated.
1936 A bell was added in memory of those who fell in the first world war.
Directory mentions a motor 'bus to Birmingham via Stratford on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Electricity became available.
1937 Trees were planted on the green to celebrate George VI coronation.
1951 Playing field was opened.
1953 Seat provided to commemorate coronation Elizabeth II.
Pavilion completed at the Playing Field.
1957 Sewage scheme. Connection of all houses not compulsory for some years.
Junior and Infant school building completed.
1969 Trophy for the tidiest large village in Shipston Rural District won for the first time.
1970 Trophy retained.
1972 Trophy won for the third time and a commemorative Maple planted on the Upper Green.
Red Oak planted on the Upper Green given by Miss Ann Clarke's family in memory of her 25 years service as headmistress.
1973 Butcher's shop closed leaving the village with one retail shop.
National School built in 1858 demolished.
'Bus service to Stratford and Shipston reduced to one day to each.#
Social events have been omitted.