Helping Sustain our Village Community + Working Creatively to Tackle the Challenge of Climate Change

Following early work to catalogue the plant species in the Humpty Dumpty fields done by Ted Leafe, our first version of the Ilmington Nature Survey was published on the 20:20 website from 2019. It allowed people to enter data about wildlife sightings from all areas of the village and its immediate surroundings.
Since then, we have reviewed the format of the project and have opted to transfer everything across to a new, more efficient and user-friendly platform, namely Epicollect 5. This APP is administered by Cardiff University and allows groups to set up data entry fields for large databases. The aim of the project is to get as many people as possible in the village to enter their wildlife sightings, so that the community can build a detailed record of the biodiversity in Ilmington and the surrounding area.
Click Here to see a set of instructions that anyone can use to download the Epicollect5 app and then use it to add their own wildlife sightings to the records. Please have a go at getting involved.
If you need to ask any questions please contact Sean or Tammy Clifford via, or phone 01608 682521.
The Ilmington Community Nature Survey
When you have arrived, just find a spot that you like and forage around in the undergrowth to find as many different species of plant as you can. For each species, use your preferred method for identifying plants (this could be paper-based key / text book, or an on-line app) to identify the plant (there are many books / apps and I have listed a few at the bottom of this page).
Make a record of your findings and if possible include all the following:-
what3words location and the Field Zone reference
Common name
Scientific name
Whether the plant is in flower / fruit or just vegetative (leaves and stems with not flowers or fruits present)
Take a digital image of the plant / flower / leaves to upload to the survey folder
When you get home, you can enter your records here (image of the spreadsheet is below to show you what it looks like).